Most common reason why nobody consumes your content

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Regularly publish blog articles, podcast episodes or videos, do your best with keywords, headlines and SEO

Most common reason why nobody consumes your content
That's kind of unfair, isn't it?

You're a master of your craft, regularly publish blog articles, podcast episodes or videos, do your best with keywords, headlines and SEO... and get: zero response.

It couldn't be more frustrating.

You gave content marketing a real chance. You have familiarized yourself with the topic and got started. Content hubs are springing up like mushrooms – you wanted to keep up.

But that's where the error lies.

Action without a plan brings no success
Jumping on a moving train might get you a little further, but not necessarily where you want to go. So before you create content, you should think about a few strategic things .

Have you taken a look at the topics your competitors publish? Do you write about all relevant topics that come to mind or do you select? Do you know the core problems of your customers?

The number one reason no one is interested in your content is your lack of attitude.

You swim with the crowd and have given no thought to what makes you unique . What point of view you stand out with.

What you lack is a clear positioning
A goldfish's attention span of 9 seconds is now miles ahead of us. According to the latest study results, more than 1,000 (or even 6,000 ) advertising impacts bombard us every day. As a result, we only use 2.6 seconds to rate a website and decide for or against it.

You know it from yourself. When you search Google for an answer, you skim the first page of search results. You click on the article that promises something different than all the others. You either expect them to be more specific about your problem, more information, or a different approach that you haven't considered.

Let's take the Chimpify blog for example . You are looking for results relevant to inbound marketing . You scan the search results, click through supposedly helpful articles and ultimately end up on

Whoa. A writing style far removed from the dusty and dry discourses of the other sites. A way of imparting knowledge that is more like a buffet with snacks than an overwhelming 5-course meal. A well-designed environment that is fun to read. A color that attracts attention and is anything but common. A logo that makes you smile and is memorable.

Just kind of different.

The Chimpify Blog has a crystal clear positioning. That's why it stands out and why it gets read.

And that's what it's all about. Examine the results of others. Think about what makes your company unique. And tailor-made to the problems of the target group.

Before I show you how to find unique positioning for your content, let's see what that is.

What is positioning anyway?
A positioning describes in one sentence your strength or the strength of your product or service based on your target group and in contrast to your competitors.

In short: what you do, for whom and with what difference .

That means, with a positioning you take a position . You set yourself apart from common practices in your industry, you emphasize your own individuality and connect it with the greatest needs of your target group. And that takes courage.

It's tempting to do what everyone else does, just a little differently. But you don't stand out with that. Your content is one of many. And is not consumed by anyone.

Positioning means inspecting your surroundings closely, knowing your own identity in detail and bringing the relevant characteristics to light.
