and so I s****ed wat****g for you to come back

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I was more than a little afraid to hear what her devious mind had conjured up, but I had no c****ice.

and so I started watching for you to come back. When you did, I took more pictures. Only now I was taking my clothes off when you showed up as well, and taking my pictures with one hand while I played with myself with the other. Your little performances really made me hot and I could hardly wait each time to get the film developed and the pictures back so I could masturbate looking at them and fantasize about having a rich boy like you as my personal, sissy slave. That’s when I said to myself…”Why Not?” and worked out this idea that would solve all of my problems. You wanna hear what it is?” she asked looking at me with that same smile.


I was more than a little afraid to hear what her devious mind had conjured up, but I had no choice. “Yes, of course I do,” I said with as much bravado as I had in me at that moment. “Tell me……What’s your great big idea?”


“OH! It’s no longer an idea, you understand.” she told me in earnest. “Now it’s a plan.” She sat for a moment to let her statement soak in then continued. “Now here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to take me home to live with you in your house. Expense free.” I started to protest but she stopped me saying; “Before you tell me some lie like you’re married or something else as ridiculous you should know that I’ve done my homework on you and probably know more about you than your mother does, ……….so you just sit there quietly and listen. Okay?” She sounded so authoritative and stern that I was mesmerized, and meekly shrank back into my seat and did as I was told.


“As I was saying,” she continued. “I’m coming to live with you at your house at no cost to me. You will see to all my needs such as food and clothing and you will provide me with any money I ask for. As for you, You’ll be expected to dress and behave as I instruct, to be at my disposal whenever I call, (Night or day, morning, noon, evening or midnight) and to serve me in all ways. In other words, you are to become my personal slave in every possible way. Any indiscretion will be cause to suffer my punishment. And, to avoid the personal embarrassment you’d have to endure if these pictures ever got out, you WILL comply with everything. You are to start immediately. Do you understand?” When I started to speak and respond she quickly leaned across my console and delivered a stinging slap across my face. “Did I give you permission to speak?” she questioned sternly. When I again started to respond she slapped me again…………harder. I meekly lowered my eyes and, rubbing my stinging cheek, slowly shook my head to indicate that NO, I hadn’t received her permission to speak.


“That’s more like it,” she said, gloating. Then continuing she said; “You will always refer to me as Mistress or Madam…….That is, of course, when I allow you to speak. Otherwise you will only listen and obey. Just like you’re doing now. Do you understand, slave?” she asked with a smirk. This time however I immediately nodded, but barely heard the question as my mind was going at least a hundred miles an hour considering the possibilities her proposal would offer me. I’d often thought and fantasized about what it would be like to serve a dominant woman as her sissy slave. Being ordered to perform every nasty notion that she conceived, being forced to dress in lingerie when in her presence. Perhaps being commanded to perform kinky masturbation demonstrations for her pleasure while using my tongue to bring her to orgasm after orgasm. I needed to talk to her about it, to reach a mutual understanding with her, to impress upon her the importance of allowing me to fulfill my secret kinks and needs and implement them into my service of her. I just knew that if I could express my side we could come to a mutually satisfying solution in which both of us could have our needs well met. I just needed the opportunity to speak to her. That’s all.


I knew that she had continued to talk to me about how she felt I should behave, but I really had no idea what she had said, exactly. I wasn’t particularly concerned about it either, since I knew without doubt that if I wanted it I could easily have her disposed of without anybody being the wiser. For the moment however I decided to let her believe she was getting her way and she had me over a barrel. Perhaps she might prove to be an entertaining distraction for awhile, I thought. It was surely worth a try anyway. It was this logic that made me decide not to make any demands on her as to what it would take to satisfy me and therefore make me happy to continue in her perceived BDSM relationship. Let’s just see what she comes up with on her own, I thought. No need to give her any ideas. Maybe she’ll even make me happy on her own.




“So are you ready to obey me now?” I heard her ask me when I again tuned into her words. I nodded. “Wonderful,” she exclaimed. “Show me your cock, slave,” was her first commanded. Immediately I stretched the waistband of my panties down under my balls and quickly brought my hands back up out of the way in order to present her with an unobstructed and clear view of my, once again, hardening cock. Just as she had requested.


“Make it hard,” was her next order, and I instantly began to jerk myself like I’d done so many times before, soon coaxing my cock to another full erection for her. “Nice,” she complimented me. “Now take those panties off,” she told me next. “I want to watch you play with your asshole too………….With this!” she added, and pulled a large cock shaped vibrator from the bag she’d brought. As I followed her order and pulled the tight, cum soaked panties down my hairless legs and over my feet I watched her suck the entire vibe into her mouth and down her throat, leaving a thick coating of saliva on it before handing it to me. Although I did enjoy playing with my ass occasionally and had used butt plugs in the past, I’d never tried anything as big or as long as the vibrating dildo she was now holding. The uncertainty I felt must’ve shown on my face because, ( I didn’t even know her name), took one look at me and said; “Oh don’t worry about it. It’ll fit alright. Just relax and let your asshole stretch around it………..Of course,” she continued, “if you don’t think you can get it in,…….I can do it for you.” That was all the encouragement I needed and set my mind and asshole to doing it or bust, (not literally I hoped).


Taking the oversized rubber cock from her I slid my ass to the very edge of my seat to allow me to get to my asshole unobstructed and holding the vibe in my right hand pushed it’s head between my cheeks. I spread my legs as far apart as I could as I massaged the rim of my asshole with the soft tip of the dildo and lined it up for the grand entry. Gritting my teeth and holding my breath I then began slowly pushing inward with both hands holding the vibe by it’s base, and to my relief felt the head open my rear hole and pop past my sphincter and into my ass canal. It hurt a little, but nothing I couldn’t stand, so I consciously told myself to keep my asshole relaxed and resumed pushing with my hands, causing the dildo to slip deeper and deeper, an inch at a time. Finally, after allot of concentration on my part to keep my asshole relaxed in spite of it being stretched beyond all previous limits, I felt my hands come in contact with my spread asscheeks and my fingers holding the dildo felt the stretched rim of my invaded hole.


Taking a few deep breaths and again concentrating on keeping my ass relaxed, I began a slow but steady in and out motion, fucking myself in the deepest realms of my anal canal and allowing myself to get accustomed to the sensations. “He-He-He!” My future Masturbatrix squealed and clapped her hands together. “I knew you could do it. See? I told you……..Now turn towards me so I can watch you fuck yourself with it!”


Struggling to hold the thing in my ass, I twisted my body around to face her. Placing my right foot on top of her seat and pressing my toes against her headrest, I leaned back against my door and rocked my hips upward until she had a clear and unobstructed view straight at my asshole and the monster dildo that was fucking it. By this time I’d gotten rather used to the stretched state of my butt, either that or I’d become numb back there as it was somewhat easier to saw the vibe’s girth in and out. With less resistance I could maneuver the thing with one hand, so taking a firm grip of it’s base with my left hand, I let go with my right so I could return to stroking my amazingly hard and incredibly needful cock. My one girl audience seemed pleased with my move and stopped massaging the wet spot between the legs of her shorts to very quickly unfasten the buttons holding them closed and shove them down her shapely, tanned thighs and past her knees. Moaning encouragement to me she began a vicious assault on her neatly trimmed and newly exposed pink pussy with both of her slender hands.


Watching her as she publicly played with her wet cunt combined with the incredible sensations I was experiencing through the simultaneous stimulation of both my ass and my cock was seriously speeding me toward a very powerful orgasm and one I knew I couldn’t keep from happening – even if I wanted to. I did, however, want to hold out at least until my masturbation mate had achieved her own orgasm, perhaps even cumming together in a mutual explosion of ecstasy. That wasn’t going to be an easy task though. Not unless I either backed off of my own play or found a way to speed her up—So….I decided to try to do both.


Taking notice of how totally she was being consumed by her lust I decided to take my chances and try to get away with some hot, verbal encouragement of her, in an attempt to build her excitement to the boiling point, hopefully propelling her past her orgasm’s point of no return. As for myself I had eased back on my cock stroking considerably and was now doing more imitation stroking to keep up appearances than the real thing. By gripping my cock at it’s base with my pinkie finger and the heel of my hand I’d managed to turn my own orgasm fires down for the moment, which gave me be just enough time to turn her up………..I hoped!

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